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Keep your company on the road to success
Strategy, Organization, Performance - Automotive Industry

The profound changes in the automotive industry pose increasingly significant, sometimes existential challenges for OEMs, suppliers, and equipment manufacturers. To ensure their own success, ward off impending threats, position themselves strategically, and implement strategies operationally, more and more companies are resorting to temporary external support and consulting, asking for proven experts with extensive, long-standing automotive management experience

Are you considering or planning
  • to strategically realign and reorganize your company. and to implement your strategies

  • to improve the performance of your company or individual areas

  • to stabilize your company again or further

  • to restructure, expand, internationalize, globalize

  • to sustainibly increase your profitability or to structurally and permanently reduce costs

  • to start or contiunue a project for that you temporarily need additional resources

  • to bridge a vacancy on the board or in management

  • to temporarily support a successor with the induction

This has been my expertise in the automotive industry for over 3 decades.
Since 2022 as Automotive Business Consultant and Interim Manager.

Prior to that, I spent almost 30 years as President & CEO, Managing Director, Plant Manager and Head of Business Units.
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Dr. Guido Krupinski
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (MB)

Automotive Business Consultant and Interim Manager

Former President & CEO (OEM)
Former Managing Director (Tier 1)
Former Plant Manager (Tier 1)
mer Head of Joint Ventures (OEM, Tier 1)
Former Head of Business Units (OEM)
Former Head of Programs (OEM, Tier 1)
Former Head of Retail Dealership (OEM)

Mandates from OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers and equipment manufacturers

Tel +49 176 7673 5252


LinkedIn: Dr. Guido Krupinski

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